Wednesday 20 November 2013

OUGD504: Design Production - Design For Print (Fast Signs Inspiration)

When I visited Fast Signs on the same day as visiting a couple of other print services. I picked up their promotional material just to see what kind of work they print there and what their services are like. The logo and the layout is quite corporate and professional. Although I am not very keen on the way they have included so many images on one page as it looks a bit cluttered. 

Since making the agreement with LGP that I would design a leaflet for their company to promote their services, I have had another look at this leaflet to get some inspiration if possible. I found however, that the information needed to be much more succinct and this is something I am going to take on board when I start designing and deciding on the content. Due to the overuse of images as well as a lot of text, I didn't feel inclined to read on. 

I therefore want to try and make my leaflet for LGP as concise as possible and consistent with the website. I feel as though this will be possible, however I am going to have to make sure that is isn't overly simplistic.

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