Today I had a crit with Lorraine to discuss my progress. I spoke to her about my Waterstones stall, and how I felt as though they should have advertised it more than they did, using a poster outside of the shop or something similar. This is therefore something I may propose before handing all of my work in. I also spoke to Lorraine about my publication and asked her whether she would mind proof reading it and writing down any mistakes I may have made on one of the boxes I had constructed. Below is my publication with all of the feedback written all over it.
Having had the initial chat, I then asked Lorraine a few more specific questions. I asked her what she thought would be achievable in the time that we have left, as I don't want to rush to get loads more done, I would rather focus on the most important products.
Having finished all of my road safety work for the Waterstones stall as well as general autism awareness materials, I feel as though I should extend my range. This came about when I spoke to a lady at the event who asked me why I had put road safety awareness with autism awareness. I explained that I wanted to produce sensory products and interactive products, and when speaking with my friend who is a speech therapist, she suggested for me to focus on autism as this would be the most appropriate. I then explained how road safety is something which all children need to know about and so I developed my project in this direction. The lady who asked me seemed to be happy with my answer but I couldn't help but think about it repeatedly after the day as I felt as though I needed to have a stronger concept.
I explained all of this to Lorraine and she said how I could possibly extend my range by looking at Swimming Safety perhaps, as she had contacts who teach autistic children and they take the children swimming quite a lot. Lorraine suggested that any materials I produce for this extended part of the brief, could simply be proposed. However, as I am having to reprint my publication, I would quite like to take this opportunity to print even more products as I have the chance to. This will mean that I will have to design all of the work quite quickly but as I have already done the research this shouldn't be too challenging.
I showed Lorraine the swimming safety report I had found which is based on autistic children. I focused mainly on the last couple of pages which have an activity sheet to fill in, and said to Lorraine how this could easily be improved as it isn't very inviting to children the way it is currently designed. She agreed and said that they are never designed very well and that this would be a great opportunity to redesign it. I also mentioned how I had already considered designing flash cards for swimming safety and perhaps placing them on the end of a lanyard with a whistle on, but I also mentioned how I had a secondary thought about this, and explained that it may not be suitable to have a lanyard with a whistle on, as this would give the wrong impression to the children, encouraging them to blow the whistle when this isn't their responsibility. We spoke further about this idea though and said that it would work if there wasn't a whistle, and Lorraine said that I could use the buckle in the same way as I have on the road safety work, and then this could be consistent across all of the branding.
All of the other feedback I received is clearly listed below as I took notes as we were having the conversation. I found this crit really useful and I am looking forward to producing the end result.
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