Thursday, 10 April 2014

OUGD503 Responsive: Design Process 2: Rippleffect

Over the Summer I worked for a studio in Liverpool called Rippleffect. When I finished my placement with them they asked me whether I would like to come back and work for them the following year. I have therefore kept in touch with them as this is something I would be very interested in this Summer as well as my other placement. 

As I am often in Liverpool as well as Leeds and split my time considerably, I spent some time since being given the responsive brief, working for Rippleffect once again. They asked me to produce a design which explains the work they do and how they work with their clients. I completed the work below at the studio and therefore the illustrator files are stored on their computers. As this is just another piece of work I have been asked to do by them for the use of their brochure, I haven't been able to keep the document for myself. However the final designs are demonstrated below.

At first, I produced an outcome which is quite corporate and business like. When I showed this design to them, they decided that they wanted me to create something which was a little bit more light hearted and fun. I therefore took some inspiration from the British Gas advert, as this is what they had told me to look at, and designed the world of Rippleffect. They absolutely loved the outcome and they are going to use it for their brochure as well as anything else it is suitable for. 


I found that as soon as I had decided on the illustrations I was going to do for each of the separate subject matters, it was just a case of how I was going to put it all together. The first response was probably very 'me' and I wasn't considering the client enough. However, I learnt from this and was able to respond in a completely different way, demonstrating versatility to the client. I am really happy with the outcome and look forward to working with Rippleffect again in the Summer. 

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