Sunday, 12 January 2014

OUGD504 - Design Production: Design For Print (Getting The Final Product Printed)


Over Christmas I wondered whether to try and get my LGP concertina and envelope printed out at home just to make sure that I had it ready for when I returned to college. I therefore decided to contact Flexipress, who I have recently used for one of my briefs for a client, and had appointment cards printed with them. 

Rather than emailing and waiting for a response over the Christmas period I decided to just give them a call on the 2nd January knowing that they would be back in work after Christmas. I asked whether it would be possible for them to give me a quote for the work I needed printing, and Chris who is in charge said that it should be no problem to print it all out for me. 

I then discussed the dimensions with him and he said that he would be unable to print it out for me on a double sided piece of A2, which meant that I would have to reduce it in size to make it fit on to A3. As I didn't have an A3 printer available at home to try and test to see whether the text was still legible, I thought it was best leaving it and trying to contact another printer instead. 


On the 7th January I then contacted Hobs in Leeds to see whether or not they would be able to complete the job for me. I made a phone call first and then sent them a follow up email:

When I received this email I started to worry a bit because it meant that I would have to adjust the dimensions to fit to A3 instead. I had however already printed out a copy on A3 paper in college to check and see whether I could read it and it was fine. I told them I would be very interested in using them for this work and planned on sending them the art work on the same day.


In the meantime I had sent an email to LGP asking whether they would be able to print it off for me, seeing as it is for them anyway. I contacted the two other printers just as a back up in case LGP weren't able to print it for me in time. The emails were as follows:


I was really pleased with the outcome of the concertina and envelope when I went to LGP on Friday to pick it up. They had printed a few out for me, demonstrating how easy they were to mass produce, and when I was there Phil cut all of the them out to the correct size for me. I am looking forward to getting it all ready now to hand in.

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