Friday, 1 November 2013

OUGD504 - Design Production: Design For Print (Primary Research)

After a discussion that I had with John this morning, it influenced me to be proactive and take the advice that was given to me. I had mentioned how I am interested in creating work which is eco friendly and sustainable, and how I am in the middle of trying to create my own ink which I can use on my information pack. John suggested that I should contact an ink manufacturer and inquire. He said this was another form of collaboration which would be beneficial to me. I therefore did a search and found the following website.

'For the growing number of printers who are interested in environmental care, Cranfield were amongst the first ink makers in the UK to achieve ISO14000. Being ahead of the game, Cranfield achieved the accolade of Welsh Environmental Company of the Year in 2001, long before ‘Green credentials’ became an essential requirement for business survival.'

I therefore decided to send them an email immediately and hope for a quick response. I am hoping that I will hear back from them soon, however if I don't I will continue to contact other people and ask down in the print room at college. This is another way for me to form more contacts and keep in touch with relevant and important people in the industry. 

It is now the 12th November and they still haven't replied to me, however I have already been and inquired at college and asked one of the tutors in the print room who said I should use binder and that should work.

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