Wednesday, 27 February 2013

OUGD406 - Screenprint Hot Dog: Publication

During this screenprinting session we had two and a half hours to produce a hot dog publication. We all had a go at preparing the screens ready for them to be used and we were told how to do a CMYK separation print. This involved using 4 separate screens and so the preparation for them all was quite time consuming. We printed more than we needed so that we could all have an opportunity to get a successful final print.
Below I took a photograph of the screen being prepared and secured ready to be used.
We had to align the pieces of paper perfectly to ensure that all of the different colours lined up precisely. A lot of them weren't as successful as they could have been.

We had to pull the screen down over the paper to start with...

We then had to start at the top and drag the ink over the screen to ensure that the image was printed correctly.

We then had to leave the equipment on one side and then lift it up carefully so that the print didn't smudge.

Tristan was in charge of cleaning the screen thoroughly so that it was ready for the next user.

After we had printed a page we left it on the rack to dry and then picked up several pieces to print as we were running out of time.

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