Thursday, 17 January 2013

OUGD405 - Adobe InDesign Workshop 2

When an image is placed on InDesign it is not a part of that InDesign file. When we add the image it is low resolution and is just a preview.

InDesign refers to your images as links and it lists all of the links that have been included.

Why does InDesign work in this way? To keep it running fast.

Resizing an image in InDesign...

Because the default setting was for preview we had to change it to Photoshop in order to edit the photo. By clicking alt and clicking on the image twice it opens in Photoshop.

We can then change the percent by going on image size and putting it the same percentage which is available on InDesign.

We can also then save the image in Photoshop and the changes will appear on InDesign.

By using psd. files it allows us to alter the transparency. Tiff. files give us a rectangular image made of pixels.

By double clicking the background it will change it into an actual layer to work with.

We can then delete the background...

There are many applications for the master page which can be used for page numbering.

Text wrap...

Alpha channel means transparency. When we made the image transparent we created an alpha channel by doing so. If we choose alpha channel from text wrap the text will go around the image.

When we have finished our layout we have two options, with the most common one being to print. There are more choices than most pieces of software but they are very similar to those available on Illustrator. A lot of the choices are specific to commercial print. When you print from InDesign choose the printer, size of paper. 

If we go to file and down to Adobe PDF presents there are many options for printing. Press quality is the highest quality and all of the images will be full resolution suitable for commercial print.

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